Jurgis Changes In The Jungle

Words: 398
Pages: 2

Kendrick Smith
AP English
The Jungle Wait have you ever heard of Upton Sinclair? If so you would have read one of his famous books The Jungle. In the novel The Jungle,the main character Jurgis Rudkus character goes through a lot of changes. The Author Sinclair begins off by describing Jurgis as a great man and hardworking countable man. Jurgis started off working hard doing the most for his family. While working Jurgis got injured making him unable to work. Then later found out that Ona got raped by Connor and from that point Jurgis life change. Jurgis went out to fight Connor and ended up in jail. To begin with, Jurgis was curious man who wanted to learn the american culture, the language and to live the life other than