Justice In Oedipus The King

Words: 294
Pages: 2

In the play, “Oedipus Rex,” Oedipus (as the protagonist) seeks out the murderer of, previous king and father, Lauis to end the plague overrunning Thebes. He attempts to as much information as he can and wants to deliver justice to the murderer by executing or exiling him. It is not clear what Oedipus’ form of justice is, but he was willing to take it as far as imposing it on himself, even against the gods. The whole story, Oedipus seeks out who the murderer is and interrogated people as following. Tiresias attempted to not tell Oedipus his prophecy in order to save Oedipus from himself. However, after constant threats, Oedipus accused Tiresias and Creon of treason to usurp the throne. Oedipus was so convinced, that he insulted and kicked