Juveniles Tried As Adults Essay

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Pages: 5


Juveniles Tried as Adults Juveniles are being tried in adult court. It is not that hard to believe because it seems as if children are getting more violent by the minute. They are now allowed to go to adult court and get the adult sentence. Children are listening to the television with all that violence on it which makes them think it is okay to commit a crime. Let me not forget today’s music because that is a big part of why children think it is cool to commit crimes as well. The video games that are created have a ton of violence in them and guess who plays them... children of course. Most households have a weapon such as a gun or a knife in them, and if those parents have children then you guessed it the children has easy access to them. The crime rates will continue to go up if parents keep
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According to Charles D. Stimson, young offenders who commit terrible crimes could not be tried in juvenile court. Sarah Johnson 16 years old planned to kill her guardians. The crime case was sent to adult court, and she was sent to prison for life. Charles Stimson also makes a point to point out that adult disciplinary actions would also be for the young offenders. According to Philip Holloway, there are 14 states that require no age limit at which young children can be convicted of a crime and taken to adult court. There are 10-year-olds and younger who have been tried as adults. All states have a plan as to what to do if a child is held as an adult. Children can be tried as an adult if they are charged with that terrible crime that they committed. If a young child goes and kills his friend, then that child should be tried as an adult because he or she knew what he or she was doing. They planned it out from the beginning, and now that child’s parents want justice for their