Kai-Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

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Pages: 6

Kai-Jun has shown a strong understanding of the content and knowledge related to our science topics. He was very successful on our first exam about scientific discovery and scientific process. In other areas of the course he is less successful because he does not always follow directions on assignment rubrics or complete all required areas of lab reports or projects. He can improve in this area by using his class time more effectively and checking his assignments against all areas of the rubric before submitting his final assignment.

Roy did very well on our first exam of the year related to the topic of scientific discovery and scientific process. In writing his lab reports to demonstrate the areas of inquiring and designing and processing and evaluating Roy often stated information rather than fully explaining his ideas and results. He can improve in these two areas by remembering to include all areas of the rubric and giving further detail and explanation to his writings. I also encourage him to read comments that are left in Managebac about the assessments to find ways to improve for next time.

Tiger has put forth a strong effort in the first semester in science and though he doesn’t always fully understand at first, he always asks questions to improve his understanding.
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This lab report corresponded to two large criteria of inquiring and designing and processing and evaluating in the MYP grading system. Catherine needs to improve her organization and assignment completion in science by checking Managebac for assignment due dates and any missing work she may have. On our first exam she demonstrated a good understanding of the scientific process and analysis of data provided. I encourage her to keep up her strong effort in this area and improve in other areas of the class like assignment