Kamala Attracts Siddhartha

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Kamala attracts Siddhartha and basically every being due to her beauty. We know that she is a woman of high authority since she was surrounded by, “men servants,the maids, and the baskets”(Hermann Hesse pg 42). When Siddhartha viewed how beautiful Kamala was, “his heart rejoiced” (Hermann Hesse pg 42). After he was bathed and groomed Siddhartha’s method of courtship to the beautiful maiden was by, “approaching her grove late in the afternoon, and waited at the entrance” (Hermann Hesse pg 43). Siddhartha expects to learn about love from her and how to basically live like the others in her town. Siddhartha then shares his knowledge of, “thinking,waiting, and fasting” (Hermann Hesse pg 46). Kamala then advises him on how to woo her heart by possessing