Katron By Kathron Summary

Words: 474
Pages: 2

The tale begins with a young boy named Katron. Katron came from a small close nit family. They always had a roof over their head food to eat and clothes to wear. sometimes when things would fall apart or break around the house they would stay broken for a while because there wasn't enough money to get it fixed and still take care of bills.because of the lack of money the young boy had to see his family go through a lot of struggles and he hated it. . Katron didn't like the idea that this was what the rest of his life had to be like, broke! he refused to live in a state of not enough for the rest of his life so he made a promise to himself that he would do anything to get rich and make all his problems go away. Like he planned to do the young boy came up with a plan to get rich quick. He came up quick and before he knew it he was a neighborhood idol. He made sure his family was taken care of and for the first time ever they experienced what is was like to have “extra”. No debt, no worrying about how to get the bills paid on time or how they were going to afford gas for their vehicles or anything. for a good while the family lived in peace but one thing they also acquired with the wealth were a lot of new friends and relatives who weren't there before the greatness. …show more content…
he shared his feelings with his parents and they gave him wisdom. They told him that the majority of the people around him wouldn't be there if the money wasn't there. they went on to explain to him that to some people all they want to do in life is get by and if u let them they will, as long as you giving handouts you the man but when the cherody stops you a dog on the street to them and most of the time they wouldn't help you near as much as you would