Key Points Of The State Of The Union Address Essay

Submitted By marcuswells09
Words: 389
Pages: 2

Key Points of The State of the Union address

Combat in Afghanistan is over

Growing economy, shrinking deficits, bustling industry, booming energy production

America is number one in oil and gas. America is number one in wind power
Childcare, college, health care, a home, retirement more affordable for the middle class

Child care, sick leave an equal pay for people

Higher Wages

More jobs for veterans -Has slides going along with his speech that show the success of veterans coming back and seizing opportunities for jobs which makes them seem more attractive to people who are watching the speech and will want to hire more vets.

Free community college for people, which leads to people making more money -Its becoming hard for someone to get a job without a college education and our economy thrived when high school became free and it educated the masses of our country so we want to do that again with higher education. This gives job opportunities to more people making our economy thrive.

Instead of having another war we are working to destroy the terrorist groups of extremists -Instead of having our troops going over to the middle east and being the police of these people we are training the people in places such as Syria to be the police of their own people and battle the extremism without going to war.

Bigger nations can’t bully smaller nations -Talks about Russia and their oppression over the Ukraine and their want for democracy and how Russia has bullied them