King Henry's Day Speech Analysis

Words: 268
Pages: 2

King Henry V, in his St. Crispin’s Day speech, utilizes an appeal to patriotism to inspire the men to fight in battle. King Henry V urges his men to fight so as “if to live, / The fewer men, the greater share of honor” (lines 7-8). He convinces them to battle in saying they will be honored greatly by their country if they manage to win with so few men. In this way, he riles up the men to be excited to win. Furthermore, King Henry attempts to persuade his audience by persisting that the men will go down in remembrance. He exclaims “But we in it shall be remember’d; / We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” (lines 45-46). Through his confident tone of unity and never being forgotten, King Henry is successful in making the men proud to