King Louis XIV: An Outsider?

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Looking around a high school cafeteria, you can normally pick out small pockets of kids. You have the jocks, the theater geeks, mathletes, artists, hipsters, the edgy kids, and the troublemakers, just to name a few. There seems to be an unspoken social ranking in high school, the jocks almost always being on the top. Very rarely do you see a jock sitting with the artists; or the theater geeks with the troublemakers. That is mainly because if you don’t seem to fit in a certain category, you are considered an outsider. Why is it so uncommon to mix groups? Some may say they do not belong because of their previous/current status, but to the person trying to mingle, they are simply misunderstood. Us humans are very judgemental beings; we judge people …show more content…
He built up the french army tremendously. His first born son was destined to take the throne after he passed. That day came once Louis XIV was born, he was declared the Sun King by the court. In Louis XIV’s younger years, he loved the arts, such as paintings, academics, dancing, and music. His father, being King Louis XIII, was not happy that his son was not interested in carrying out his name by focusing on the military. Louis XIV had the idea to run away with one of his friends so he would not have to rule a military based country. Although, they plan did not work to his advantage, as a search party was sent out to look for him and his friend. Once they were brought back to the palace, King Louis XIII beheaded his son’s best friend’s head right in front of him to scare him into line to lead the military once he was king. This vivid sight terrified the young prince to follow in his father’s footsteps.
In conclusion, everyone can feel like an outsider, or be considered one. An unknown author wrote “Beauty is on the eye of the beholder.” This quote does not only apply to beauty, it can be referred to the judgement we hold towards someone. We all have our own definition of an outsider depending on where we put ourselves in society. Who we call “outsiders” are simply misunderstood by us and we have to opportunity to help alienate people from the term if we simply get to know