King Qualities Of Good Writing Essay

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Pages: 2

I appreciate King’s knowledge of writing, starting with his opinion that good writing encompasses three major details: vocabulary, grammar, and style. He also suggests that a bad writer cannot become a competent writer, nor can a good writer become a great writer. In my opinion, writing needs to come in all shapes and sizes just like people. Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, good writing is determined by the reader. King also mentions that the basic skills are not the only things that make good writers. He refers to his muse as someone who helps him discover ideas which contribute to his work. I too truly believe I have a muse. She wakes me in the middle of the night and says, “Here’s your idea, now get up and write, write it now or lose it …show more content…
He also suggests that good writers write about what they are familiar with. I personally wouldn’t write a “how to” book for an auto mechanic, but I would include an auto mechanic as a character in one of my stories. I wouldn’t want to write a typical romance novel, but I would write about a character having a romantic relationship. I don’t need or want money badly enough to write a smutty sex novel, but I wouldn’t be opposed to including a tasteful sexual encounter, if appropriate, in one of my papers. King also believes, and I concur, that it’s wrong to intentionally turn to a specific genre in order to make money. He refers to it as “intentional dishonesty in the hunt for the buck.” I actually believe that’s why we have so many romance novels on book shelfs. There is most likely an audience for any type of novel that can be written. However, I just want to make sure I‘m true to myself. I work hard to hopefully become a good writer. If blessed and if I continue listening to my muse, maybe I can become a great