Kino's Simple Life

Words: 520
Pages: 3

In The Pearl by John Steinbeck, the idea that a simpler life brings more happiness than a wealthy life removed from nature is proven to be true by the main character, Kino. Most of Kino's life is spent in harmony with nature, listening to the Song of the Family. Kino, his wife, Juana, and son, Coyotito, live a simple life, away from wealth and civilization. This all changes when Kino finds the pearl. The pearl turns Kino into a violent, materialistic version of what he used to be, and bring chaos into his once simple life. The pearl brings things such as greed, and violence into Kino's life, destroying the Song of the Family forever.

The Pearl begins with peace and serenity. Kino and his family live very simple lives, in harmony with nature. Nevertheless, they are perfectly content living their simple lives. Along with being happy about their current lives, they don't desire anything more than what they already have. This shows how rewarding a life of simplicity and peacefulness can be. This all changes once the pearl is introduced into Kino's life, and his personality and life transform drastically. These things change his opinions about his simple life. Kino sees a new life, one
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He sees a new life ahead of him, and forgets about his simple life. Although he was happy with living a simple life, Kino envisions something greater, and nothing with obstruct him from achieving this. He is driven by the fact that he is a man, and refuses to give up the pearl. This proves how easily the idea of wealth can demolition a person's desire for a simple life. He becomes determined to protect the pearl at all costs, turning himself into a violent savage. In the process, he acts abusive towards Juana, and becomes vicious enough to kill. His action show how greed and desire can lead to chaos and