Kite Runner Essay

Submitted By jamesdean666
Words: 676
Pages: 3

Write about the ways Hosseini tells the story in Chapter 9 ? (21 Marks)

Baba's "half-hearted" invitation receives a "half-hearted" thank you from Amir, indicating that they are more alike than either is willing to notice or acknowledge. Winning the kite fight has not changed Amir or his relationship with Baba. In fact, it has made everything worse.
The depths of Amir's desperate actions are revealed. It is one thing to be a passive observer of events and do nothing to attempt to stop them, but being an active participant in a wrongdoing is often considered even worse. Even though, emotionally, we cringe at what Amir is doing, we logically realize that he is a thirteen-year-old attempting to deal with his views in an almost-impossible situation. Amir is wracked with guilt, and, when attempting to receive a physical punishment does not work, he needs to find another way of making life more endurable, more bearable. Hassan's presence is a physical reminder; thus, Hassan must be made to leave.
The juxtaposition of Hassan's bravery with Amir's cowardice is a final contrast between the two characters. With Hassan's leaving, readers know for certain that the rest of The Kite Runner is about Amir's attempt at atonement. Rahim Khan's assertion in the opening chapter that "there is a way to be good again" indicates that Amir has not yet atoned, and thus his return to Afghanistan will play an important part in his redemption.
Baba's forgiveness of Hassan's admitted actions also serves as foreshadowing. Readers need to ask themselves why Baba would seemingly forsake his moral code or demonstrate a level of forgiveness, compassion, and understanding that he has not revealed. Baba is illustrating the old adage that "actions speak louder than words."

In The Kite Runner the relationship between father and son are never joyful. What do you think of this view ? (21 Marks)

Early in the novel, as we're getting to know Baba, Amir relates one of the legends about his father. Apparently Baba wrestled a black bear in Baluchistan and has the scars to prove it. Now, we know what you're thinking: no one could wrestle a bear and live to tell the tale. But Amir reassures us this story isn't typical Afghan laaf (exaggeration). The story has obviously affected Amir because he imagines it "countless times" and even dreams about it (3.1). And here's the interesting part. In his dreams, Amir can't tell Baba apart from the bear.

On one level, you can interpret the bear story fairly simply: it tells us just how towering of a figure Baba is to Amir. This