Essay on Knowing your Assignment

Submitted By Lala8214
Words: 300
Pages: 2

Knowing Your Assignment

As Christians God gives us assignments that only we can accomplish with His help. It is our job to discover that assignment. Our assignment or purpose can be found in studying the Word of God. In order to make a lasting difference we must become knowledgeable in a particular field and wrap our lives around our assignment. It is important that we direct ourselves with definiteness of purpose toward our assignment. We must have a burning desire or passion for our assignment. This means that it’s not related to a hope or wish, but it’s something that we must do regardless of the cost. Our assignment is our mission in life. It’s what drives us. God considers our own desires with regard to our assignment but at the same time His will must be accomplished. Our mission is always to someone else. The person (or people) who we are assigned to may not appreciate our assignment, but it must still be completed. We may also not like everyone whom we are assigned to, but no one else can take our place or fulfill our assignment.
Refusal to complete our assignment will result in tragedy. Signs of refusing to complete our assignment is a life of disappointment or tragedy. We are usually assigned to a specific place. Our assignment is not ours to choose, we are to discover it. It may be revealed to us little by little, we must just go with the spiritual flow. Assignment often change with time. This is usually a result of elevation. Some practical