Knowledge And Understanding Explain Why Accountability Is Closely Governed By Legislation

Submitted By Mirza-Rahnama
Words: 1526
Pages: 7

Revision Sheet 1 Term 3 2013 Use Chapter 4 of BCT textbook Knowledge and Understanding Explain the difference between explicit and tacit information. Explain why some organisations require their employees to sign a confidentiality agreement. Explicit information is written down or recorded permanently. Tacit information (know how information) is stored in the minds of employees. Employees may be asked to sign confidentiality agreements to ensure that they cannot use the tacit information they have accumulated when they move onto another business or competitor. Businesses spend a lot of money on developing policies and procedures and do not want this shared with other businesses. Define accountability in your own words. Explain why accountability is closely governed by legislation. Accountability is responsibility. Every decision made in business needs to be able to be explained and justified. Records must be kept to ensure accountability proof as to why a decision was made. This is closely governed by legislation to ensure that businesses behave in a way that benefits other people and parties e.g. employees, shareholders, creditors, suppliers etc. Differentiate between a centralised and decentralised records management system. Explain some advantages and disadvantages of each. Centralised records management system records are stored in one main location. All employees have to borrow records and return them (much like a library). Advantages no duplication of records across departments, less staff needed to keep and manage files, less office space needed for storage. Disadvantages takes time to access files, files can be used by other employees when you need them. Decentralised records management system records are stored within each department of a business. Advantages easily accessible, records relating to the individual department are kept with the department. Disadvantages extra staff needed to manage files, extra space needed to keep the files close to the employees. A record is evidence of an event or a decision. A record must have integrity, be authentic, be reliable and have a good usability. Explain each of these four concepts. Integrity - be honest and reliable, provide context as to why the document was created, and be structured so it can be retrieved Authentic be what it claims to be, be sent by the person who supposedly created it, was sent at the time recorded Reliable can be trusted and is in full Explain the 5 categories of records VitalRecords that are identified as necessary to the survival or continuity of an organisation (e.g. major contracts, insurance policies)PrimeA collection of vital records and core business documents (e.g. client records). These are crucial to the continuity of a business after a disaster and should be stored offsiteActiveRecords that need constant access for the efficient day-to-day running of the businessInactiveRecords that are not needed on a day-to-day basis as the event is completed. These records can be transferred to a different location until they no longer need to be retained.ArchiveGovernment archive records will be transferred to the state archives office. Other industries will keep their own archives for records that are of great importance How should active files be stored How should inactive files be stored Active files should be stored in folders on shelves. Files should be clearly labelled and should be complete. Colour coding is a popular way of labelling files. Each business will have a different method of filing records. All digital files should be backed up and stored appropriately. Inactive files should be stored in special archive boxes and labelled accurately. The label should match a retention and disposal schedule. Records should not be archived (stored in boxes) until it has been approved by management. These files need to be stored in a location that has low humidity and moderate temperatures. Files that are not stored