Knowledge In Frankenstein

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Pages: 5

The knowledge that humans have gained over the years was mostly used to benefit themselves and civilization. Humans have learned how to build different types of buildings, how to bring purified water into homes, and to efficiently do certain jobs and activities. The results that human knowledge brings to civilization has mostly been positive, but sometimes the quest for knowledge is difficult and can take a terrible toll on a person. In Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, Walton, Victor, and the Creature all became selfish and suffered from solitude due to their inability to see past their hunger for facts, information, and skills. The attempts made by Walton, Victor, and the Creature to gain and acquire knowledge have all led them to feel …show more content…
One of the main reasons that Walton goes on this expedition is to gain knowledge that can possibly help mankind. Although his intentions are good, his obsession with finding the passage clouds his better judgments and leads him to feel sorrow. Walton claims that he “worked harder than the common sailors during the day and devoted my nights to the study of mathematics, the theory of medicine, and those branches of physical science from which a naval adventurer might derive the greatest practical advantage” (Shelley 12). Working hard and being studious are good traits to have, but since Walton had a great desire to attain knowledge, it caused him to be isolated from his crew. The isolation that he put himself through caused him to “bitterly feel the want of a friend”(Shelley 14). His quest for the North West Passage shows how knowledge is sorrow because in his quest Walton ended up being alone, which caused him pain because he had no one to talk to. Also since Walton spends a lot of time studying different subjects he does not have any time to do anything else. This leads to sorrow because he does not get to explore or see what life has to offer. Walton’s focus on finding the North West Passage and gaining knowledge does not leave any time to do anything else, which leads to his sorrow and …show more content…
Victor’s creation, the living example and a symbol of his knowledge, also caused him much pain. The Creature threatened to kill all those that were closest to him if he did not create a companion, the same way he created the Creature, for him. Victor refused the Creature’s demands and by refusing to create a companion for the creature he was scared of seeing the people who he “most loved die under the grasp of a demon whom I had created.(Shelley 183). The knowledge that Victor gained shows that all knowledge is sorrow because the creation he created with the knowledge is threatening to kill the people he love, which would cause him much grief. The creature killed Elizabeth and Henry adding to the sorrow that he had by creating the Creature. With everyone he loved taken away from his life, Victor was isolated again. Victor’s quest for knowledge and the Creature, who takes the form of his knowledge, brings nothing but pain and sorrow to