Ball Player Registration Form

Submitted By Littlefeet2002
Words: 435
Pages: 2

2014 Fall Ball Player Registration Form Childs Name___________________________________Male/Female________Born_____/_____/_____
Address_______________________________________ City________________ Zip______________
Home Phone _____________________E-Mail address____________________________________________________
Mother’s first and last name_____________________________________ Phone number_________________________
Father’s first and last name______________________________________ Phone number_________________________
Did child play in Keyser last year? Yes/No__________If yes- what level & Team _______________________________
Did child play in another league? Yes/No___________ If yes- what level _____________________________________
Please indicate any physical limitations____________________ Age as of 5/1 of Current Year _________________
Please check the box to indicate which League (age group) your child wants to play in. Players who turn 13 prior to May 1st, 2015 are ineligible to play. ( ) Coach Pitch 4 – 7 ( ) Coach/Kid Pitch 7 – 9 ( ) Kid Pitch 9 – 12

Participation in Youth Baseball requires the ability to run, throw, swing a bat and catch a ball. Additionally, participation requires the capacity to understand the rules of the game. Does your child have any current condition that limits his/her ability to participate in this activity? Yes ____ No____

If “yes” please explain and identify any modifications that would enable your child to participate


I/We, the Parents(s)/Guardian(s) of the above named candidate for a position on a Youth Baseball team hereby give approval to participate in any and all League activities, including transportation to and from the activities.

I/ We the Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) know that participation in baseball may result in injuries and protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and do herby waive, release, absolve indemnity and agree to hold harmless Keyser Youth Baseball Inc, the organizers, sponsors, and participants or persons transporting my child