La Mission Movie Analysis

Words: 516
Pages: 3

 In the film La Mission the main character Che Rivera is an ex-convict and a single father, who is respected in the Mission Barrio for his strength, masculinity, kindness and his talent to make any car look brand new. However, Che is put to the test when he finds out that his son Jess is gay and has to figure out how to deal with this situation without going back to his old ways. In the beginning of the film La Mission Curtis Mayfield “Kung Fu” is playing. This reminded me of the term Sonic Spaces, how black and brown people are united and influence by each other musically. And throughout the whole film you can see the young people listening to Hip- Hop and the Older Generation listening to Soul and R&B music. Family is important in the Chicano community, this film showed that a person does not have to be blood to be treated like family. For an example, when Che brings grocery to the elderly man in his …show more content…
Gender also plays a huge role in this film. Women in this film are seen as “confused” by the men in the film when they stand up for themselves or decides to do more than be a housewife. In Gloria Anzaldùa novel, Borderlands La Frontera: The New Mestiza she states that, “The culture expects women to show greater acceptance of and commitment to, the value system than men. The culture and the Church insist that women are subservient to males (39).” She continues to say that women only had three choices in the Latin community, to be a nun, a prostitute or a housewife. Nowadays women have a fourth choice which is their education and their own lives. Sexuality also plays a huge role in today’s society. The main character's son, Jess is gay he feels like he cannot tell his father because he will reject him and question his masculinity. Jess, father finds out and kicks him out. Jess is teased