LAB Report Essay

Submitted By AMejia133
Words: 350
Pages: 2

Andrew Mejia
Period 6­7

“Crystallizing A Heart”

OBJECTIVE: The goal in this experiment is to crystalize a heart shaped doodle. HYPOTHESIS: Borax is actually naturally in crystal form, and dissolves in boiling water. Hot water can hold more borax than cold water, so the hot water actually becomes saturated with
Borax. So when the water cools, the Borax returns to its natural state leaving large crystal shapes. SAFETY:
● General Lab Safety
● Be careful with hot container
● Make sure heating pad is under Beaker
● Stir nice and carefully
● Be careful with/where placing after removal of heating pad


Heating Pad Heating Stove Water Food Coloring Borox Heart Shaped Pipe Cleaners Beaker Stirrer Heat Protection Gloves

1. First create heart shape with pipe cleaners.
2. attach each pipe cleaner shape onto a stick with some yarn. This is how the shape will hang into the borax solution.
3. Then fill the beaker with water and add about 10­12 spoons of borax into it.
4. Place beaker on heating stove with heating pad under the beaker.
5. Turn on heating stove. CAUTION: BE CAREFUL WITH RISING HEAT
6. Place heart into the beaker and make sure the heart is not touching its surroundings
7. Stir to dissolve.
8. Add food coloring if desired to create colored crystals.

9. Finally, let set overnight.
10. In the morning,