Lady Macbeth's Desire For Power

Words: 151
Pages: 1

Right after Macbeth became Thane of Condor, his wife, Lady Macbeth was extremely delighted to hear of such accomplishment. Subsequently she also heard that Macbeth had been visited by witches who saw Macbeth as king, she then made it her goal to thrust her husband into power, by murder, blackmail, and fraud. Initially Lady Macbeth desired all the power, although it was difficult to obtain it because of her being a female in that time period. “You spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here” (41-44) , this lines are perhaps the most prominent quote spoken by Lady Macbeth, which shows her desire for power. Here, she is asking "spirits" to make her male, figuratively. She recognizes the fact that men are the ones who possess power.