Lady Macbeth's Transformation Analysis

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Pages: 7

The Transformations of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Shakespeare’s writing of Macbeth is a play that traces Macbeth’s journey and ambition to gain power, and the brutal things he did to retrieve that power. Also, it is equivalently centralized on the fact that his wife, Lady Macbeth, is craving power and has an acclimated drive for complete control. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth appears as a kind and loyal thane. As the play continues, a gradual, yet dramatic change occurs within his character. The same change occurs within Lady Macbeth, although her transformation differs from her husband’s. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady MacBeth undergo a transformation throughout the duration of the play; their heinous alteration truly proves the recurring theme that "fair is foul and foul is fair" It is evidently clear that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth exchange personality traits as the play continues from beginning to end, but there is something that differs between their physical transformations. Lady
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Macbeth was originally a war hero, as said by the captain. The captain said to Duncan, “for brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name (1.2.16).” The captain was explaining to Duncan how Macbeth killed Macdonwald and that he was considered this big war hero. As the play goes on, Macbeth was no longer seen as this “war hero,” but he was now seen as this “power-crazed” man. He was first seen with honor and bravery, but he was easily persuaded and his horrific deeds led him to have a tremendous downfall. This made him be the tragic hero he was. Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, was a villain. She persuaded her husband to commit murder, as well as other villainous acts. She ended the play committing suicide due to her own remorse, but the things that she did during the play characterized her as a