Lady Macbeth's Transformation

Words: 453
Pages: 2

Lady Macbeth is projected in three different ways in The Tradedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Lady Macbeth is a crucial character to the development of the plot. She adds motivation to the actions of her husband, Macbeth. With her character changes, comes new reasons for the actions behind her family. Foremost she is considered a provoker of the evil actions she and her husband condone; she then changes to a woman that is hoping to save her husband from his now destined downfall; finally, she becomes a desperate and remorseful pysciatric patient. In Macbeth there is a keynote that is manifested throughout; this keynote is “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” (1.1 10). As a provoker, Lady Macbeth changes her husband from someone who is fair