Large Bowel Perforation Case Study Summary

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Pages: 4

Dr Rakesh N1, Dr Nischal K2, Dr Gaurav Prasad3
1. Postgraduate 2. Professor 3. Assistant professor
Large bowel perforation are rare but are associated with high morbidity and mortality. The common cause for large bowel perforation are colon carcinoma and diverticulosis. Mortality and morbidity is related to the extent of fecal peritonitis. Nonmalignant causes are associated more often with postoperative complications. Early diagnosis and intervention will prevent serious complications associated with fecal peritonitis.
Case report:
A 60 year male patient presented to the emergency department with history of fall 2 days duration with pain abdomen which increased gradually. Initial treatment was given in a local hospital after fall for 2 days before being referred to our hospital. On laparotomy huge perforation noted in the colon extending from caecum to hepatic
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Early diagnosis and management of large bowel perforation will reduce mortality and morbidity. The nature of surgery will depends on the grade, site of injury and peritoneal contamination noted on laparotomy.

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