Last Child Richard Louv Analysis

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Pages: 5

In the essay Last Child by Richard Louv there is a lot of controversy by technology taking over nature. There is the argument that Mark makes about how we are using nature as ad space. Also how we are beginning to make cars that are very much technology based. Also our children are being robbed of the experience of nature. Looking at Louv arguments you can see that he persuades the reader to also look and see how technology is a big part of today’s society and that it is beginning to take over so much that it has taken away from the experience of nature. As Richard says we are beginning to see nature as an ad space. Mark refers to the study of the University of New York that is playing with butterfly genetics to be able to choose the colors that appear on their wings. This is seen by companies as an opportunity to advertise and nothing else and that they take …show more content…
Louv says that parents often say that they want their children to watch less T.V. yet they are very hypocritical when they buy a cat that comes with a T.V. to entertain their children in the car. There was an example that Richard gave and he said that there was a mother that was going to buy a vehicle and when she told the salesman that she did not want a car with T.V’s in the back his jaw dropped. She said that it was because she did not want her children to miss out on the experience of nature in a car. What the mother doesn't want her children to miss out on the little things in life and that there is an entire world that these children are missing out on such as the rural areas the boring interstate also is nature. The mother that if referenced in the essay sees what is important to show children while in the car, although it seems pointless it is good for children to enjoy nature. Nature may be boring, but it is good for children to get away from the screen for a