Late 1800's Dbq

Words: 550
Pages: 3

The growth of corporations and businesses in the late 1800’s influenced America's economy, society, and politics. The economy took a toll during this time, causing many farmers to lose money and struggle to make ends meet. Economic problems also led to factory work, and low wages. Society changed immensely by incorporating new businesses and leisure activities. Politicians were extremely involved in city life and there were many cases of corruption within the government during this time.

The United States economy took a hit during the late 1800’s. According to Document A, the index values of food, fuel, and lighting prices decreased exponentially while the price of living stayed stable. Farmers were affected by the economic issues as well, as they began
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Many people during this time began to work for others instead of working independently. People began to work for factories instead of on farms, these jobs could be risky though because of the lack of labor laws. Steel mills require seven day workweeks, many seamstresses work upwards of 12 hours a day as well (450). Many sweatshops emerged as well, paying extremely low wages and hiring very young children (451).

Along with these new employment changes, society has changed. More women were in the workforce as displayed in Document J, this document shows women working as typists in 1902. As people realize the dangers of their jobs and the extreme working conditions, unions rise. Strikes for higher wages and better working conditions (452).

Along with the beginning of factories, department stores also came about making jewelry, trinkets, dress goods, and even more items more accessible to purchase, which is explained in document I. Leisure activities began to become a new part of society, amusement parks grew, bicycling and tennis also began to grow. New band names such as Coca-Cola and Hersheys came about as well