Laure Gender Roles

Words: 657
Pages: 3

We are socialized in many ways, from a young age we learn from those around us, particularly our families. Laure’s parents seem to play the less modern traditional roles of a stay at home mom and a working father, the mother displays femininity and the father displays masculinity. Her parents let her have short hair, dress how she pleases and have her room painted blue, it doesn’t appear they are trying to socialize her into the typical girl gender role. Also, within the family Laure being the older sibling socializes Jeanne. For instance teaching her skills, and controlling her. Younger siblings are usually submissive or negotiate, if they’re close (as these two are) they will try to work out solutions with bargaining skills. An example of …show more content…
Laure may be seen as androgynous as she shows characteristics of both genders. Classic femininity doesn’t come as naturally to Laure as it does to her sister Jeanne. When Laure was given a pink lanyard she immediately changed it to a more gender neutral white shoelace. During middle to late childhood kids tend to play in groups of their own sex; boys usually play in groups whereas girls play in pairs, Laure does not fall into this category. The more she plays with the boys in the movie, the more behaviors she adapts from them. Laure does things to fit in, when she sees the boys spitting she starts doing so as well, she also fights physically with a boy to defend her sister, and when they go swimming she makes a penis out of modeling clay and turns her one-piece bathing suit into a more boy appropriate banana hammock. Gender roles tend to play a large role even from the ages as young as the kids in the movie. When they go to play football, the immediate suggestion is for Lisa to be a cheerleader. While much is left to our imagination it’s clear that Laure is committed to the role of