Leadership: Leadership and Decision Making Essay

Submitted By wandaramer72
Words: 1053
Pages: 5

Leadership is found in every day life events, inside and out of a formal work organization. As part of a managing organization, the concept of leadership is one of the four most important. Leadership is not just a simple concept, it has many ramifications and styles. Not every leader can lead, but those who can grasp the leadership credentials can be most successful at leading others. Leadership does not always mean that the person in the position has the right of maltreatment for whom they believe should be following them. A leader has the ability to influence others subconsciously, due to the admiration of that person’s credibility.
An effective leader must possess many traits and styles. Some traits that a leader must have are self confidence, creativity, knowledge, motivation, flexibility, honesty and integrity. The styles or patterns exhibited by a leader include autocratic, human relations, democratic, and laissez- faire. Autocratic leaders are task oriented; making sure that the tasks is done at all costs. Autocratic style also focuses on authority and obedience. Human relations leadership style emphasizes in harmony and good relationships inside a work environment. The democratic leadership style emphasizes on both people and task by sharing decisions, encouraging participation, and supporting team work. The laissez faire leadership style emphasizes on accomplishing the task with the least amount of effort.
Visionary leadership is part of being an effective leader as well. A visionary leader is that who brings a clear and compelling sense of the future to every situation as well as an understanding of every action needed to get there successfully. Part of being a visionary leader, is helping others in the decision making process. The Vroom-Jago is a decision making model that focuses on the different methods managers use to implement a decision. The different approaches on how managers lead through the use of the decision making process are by authority, consultative, or group. An authority manager makes the decision with no input and then communicates their decision to the rest of the group. A consultative manager takes the group inputs and suggestions first and then makes the decisions. Finally, the group manager introduces the problem to the group, and then gives the group the power of making the decision. Decision making also has a set of rules for the manager to take into consideration before implementing: decision quality, decision acceptance, and decision time. Decision quality is found by the person who has the most relevant information needed to solve the problem. Decision acceptance is looked at to know whether or not the implementation on the decision is within a normal outlook view. Lastly, the decision time is considered based on the time that is obtainable for the decision suggested.
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The movie clip chosen to illustrate effective leadership is “The Wizard of Oz.” The characters from this movie specifically support each of the traits and styles needed for leadership because of the lack of the traits they need. As stated before, autocratic style emphasizes the obedience and authority that the leader shows. The lion gives an example of the lack in courage which is needed to be an authorative figure. If there is no courage, there is no drive to focus and make others around you focus on the task ahead. Authority is needed to push others to follow by example. The human relation can be related to the tin man in the clip. He is in need of a heart, which is necessary for emphasizing good relationships and harmony in leadership positions. Human relations is needed to connect so that there is a good back bone to the group. The group learns to respect the leader because the leader respects them and their personal lives. However, using this style on its own could risk the