Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18

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Pages: 4

Should 18 Be the Legal Drinking Age?
There have been a lot of issues in the United States when it comes to the legal drinking age. Many of us agree to the drinking age being 18 and some of us disagree. When it comes to the legal drinking age of being 21, I am not in favor of this law at all, not because I’m under age and cannot purchase my own alcohol, but basically because I think this particular law is just pathetic. There are actually some mature 18 year olds that know how to handle drinking. Being 18 comes with multiple responsibilities, and I think that once we become 18 we are responsible enough to purchase or drink alcohol.
Facts shows that other countries like Greece, China, and Italy drinking age is lower than 21. These countries
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N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2014.
Also, the United States wants us to vote at 18, always stressing us that we need to vote; we are mature enough to vote and make a decision, so then the same should apply to drinking.
Once turning 18 we are tried as an adult in court, whether guilty or not. An 18 year old is capable of making his/her own decisions. Whether the legal age for purchasing alcohol is 18 or 21 there will be problems related to drinking regardless of the age. Especially when it comes to college students that are under 21 years old; they can still consume alcohol from upperclassmen, with no problem at all. "I think we would all be better off if the drinking age were 18," says the President of Dartmouth College, Dr. James Wright. President Wright emphasizes that “if the nation could send 18-year-olds to Iraq and if the College could send its students to off-campus programs in places where drinking was not regulated below age 21, then it should be deemed reasonable that students be able to drink legally at age 18 in the United States (Hanson). Some facts are that some colleges and universities agree with the legal age to drink being 18, because the older students that are providing alcohol to under age students is only causing more problems. I agree with this particular fact because an underage student can get intoxicated to the point where they need to seek medical attention. The doctors will wonder how an underage student received alcohol, and it will fall back on the college or university’s lack of supervision; causing the law to get involved. Once teens leave for college they are also considered as an adult, meaning they should be able to