Essay on legal riot

Submitted By nuccio101
Words: 561
Pages: 3

The crimes that were committed was Assault (threat of immediate harm) was committed when Steve Steel pulls out an amazing lifelike squirt gun and threatens to blow Prudence’s head off if she so much as moves an inch toward the phone or the door. Intentional infliction of emotional distress (a victim may suffer mental or emotional distress without first being physically harmed) was also committed because Prudence was so upset that she couldn’t return to work for a week, and then only managed to do so under heavy doses of tranquilizers prescribed by her doctor, Morton Mallard. False Imprisonment was committed when the SFT locked the president of GSU in his office by barricading his door with filing cabinets. Battery was committed when the indirect physical contact between Steve and Prudence happened as he slapped the phone out of her hand when she was on it.
The negligence was involved when Steve Steel violated Duty of Care when he slaps the phone from her hand. Steve also Breach the Duty of Care by pointing the water gun at prudence and threatened her. Prudence suffered mental and emotional injury because Steve slapped the phone from her hand and then pointed a lifelike squirt gun at her head. Steve negligent act cause Prudence injury. He was also the proximate cause of her injury because of SFT who he led would have not come into Dunfee Hall and caused a ruckus she would not have any mental and emotional injury.

There were no laws or rights violated because they have the right to protest but when they started going crazy with bringing fake guns and moving furniture the peaceful protest turned into a student riot. They committed crimes but no laws was broken around they started committing crimes. The peaceful protest turned into a student riot which committed the crimes. Laws are more of a fact and crimes are more of an opinion. The fact of the matter is that they had the right to protest but not knowing the laws of Gigantic State there is no way of telling if they broke any state laws.

The group SFT should be held liable for the physical damages