Legging Ban Essay

Submitted By gollyxo
Words: 366
Pages: 2

In the article “Nile community school bans yoga pants…” the author uses straw man in order to persuade school administrators to allow yoga pants. Leggings and yoga pants are a big issue with schools and cause a lot of controversy. Both sides of the argument have pros and cons. In this article you can feel the author slightly lean towards allowing yoga pants when they use straw man. There was a lot of judgement against this ban calling it sexist and the school administration’s reply was that they also banned boys from wearing baggy pants. Even though the school tries to show equality, it still doesn’t seem like the rules are all that equal. Since the beginning women have been blamed. Like the Adam and Eve story, in the end Eve is blamed for the fall of Adam and given consequences. Situations like these are not one sided. It takes two. You can not pin everything on men and we must not put the blame on women. By making yoga pants and leggings forbidden in schools it points the finger at women by punishing them. It’s a difficult situation that requires precision that most schools wouldn’t want to deal with. But precise rules could be created wear leggings were allowed. Because there are times when honestly, we are in a learning environment and some things should not be there for the whole world to see. The author however, sides more with allowing leggings without much detail about to what extent. In the statement “ They say leggings and yoga pants are no longer welcome at