Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Pages: 3

Lennie seems to be speaking to his pup who has died due to the roughness of Lennie. Lennie still doesn’t know the extent of his strength as he still questions the dead pup, “Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. I didn’t bounce you so hard.” (85)
2. She gets very upset and tries to persuades Lennie into talking to her. She then finally explodes and questions, “What’s the matter with me?...Ain’t I got a right to talk?” (87)
3. Curley’s wife asks Lennie to pet her hair as she let his “big fingers…[stroke] her hair.” (90) Lennie continues to stroke her hair and when she yells for him to let go, he panics and “closed [his fingers] on her hair and hung on.” (91) This caused Curley’s wife to panic and struggle which lead to her death as Lennie got upset with
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Lennie hides in the brush at the Salinas river as he “appeared out of the brush” (100) towards the beginning of chapter 6. This is where Lennie and George started off at in the beginning of the story and where George had told Lennie to go whenever he had caused any trouble.
In Lennie’s hallucination, he sees his Aunt Clara and a large, talking rabbit. His Aunt Clara appeared first and started to criticize Lennie about how bad he is towards that goodness of George. She claims that George is “such a nice fella an’ good to [Lennie but all Lennie does are] bad things.” (101) Then, the large rabbit comes in and starts talking to Lennie in Lennie’s voice and also starts to criticize him as well by saying things like, “You ain’t fit to lick the boots of no rabbit.” (102) This shows how the rabbit feels that Lennie isn’t worthy enough to take care of any rabbits and that he is worthless.
9. The characters in Lennie’s dream treat him very rudely and criticizes him very harshly and negatively by calling him a “crazy bastard”(102) and even making him feel guilty about his mistakes and how they effect George. Aunt Clara points out how George is such a nice fella [but all Lennie does is] bad