Leonardo Da Vinci Golden Ratio

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Pages: 7

Section 4: Golden Ratio
a. The golden ratio is when you split a line into two sections such that the ratio of the longer section to the shorter section is equal to the ratio of the whole line to the longer section. This ratio is approximately 1.618 and is often symbolised using the letter phi. It is the basis that most people use in determining what they perceive to be beautiful. The golden ratio also plays a very important role in the creation of art, sculpture, monuments, and the architectural designs of various buildings like the Athena Parthenos statue, Borobudur Stupa and the Mona Lisa and the Statue of David. Ever since the ancient high-civilisation periods, the Golden ratio is used to build architectural structures which include Chartres
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The slope height is found using Pythagoras’ Theorem which is a2+b2=c2.
The Golden Ratio makes the pyramid look so perfect and precise.
Example in art
The golden ratio is used in art in many ways. The golden ratio can also be used in more elegant ways to create aesthetics and visual harmony in art.
An example is Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of “The Last Supper”. All the dimensions of the room, table and ornamental shields were based on the Golden Ratio. The lines show Da Vinci’s intricate use of the Divine proportion.

Leonardo Davinci’s Mona Lisa employs the golden ratio proportions. The golden rectangle is a rectangle with dimensions that reflect the golden ratio. The Mona Lisa has many golden rectangles that are throughout the painting. When you draw a rectangle around her face, we can see that it is golden.
The 16th-century philosopher Heinrich Agrippa drew a man over a pentagram inside a circle, implying a relationship to the golden ratio.
Salvador Dalí was influenced by the works of Matila Ghyka and he explicitly used the golden ratio in his masterpiece, The Sacrament of the Last Supper. The dimensions of the canvas are a golden rectangle. A huge dodecahedron, in perspective so that edges appear in golden ratio to one another, is suspended above and behind Jesus and dominates the