Leopold Bloom Chapter 1 Summary

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In this chapter, Leopold Bloom goes through a series of embryonic developments as his name begins with “traveller Leopold” (Ep. 14. 126) and ends with “Master Bloom” (Ep. 14. 953). Joyce associates the word “traveller” to identify Leopold Bloom as a “spermatozoa” (Ep.14. 1234) that is travelling through the uterus to the oocyte that forms a zygote. In other words, the name “traveller Leopold” is the first name that the narrator mentions to establish Leopold Bloom’s existence to the reader. The narrator’s second reference to Leopold Bloom is by the name “childe Leopold” (Ep. 14. 160), as later he was a “learningknight” (Ep. 14. 160). Because the word “childe” refers to a child being born, it marks the moment when Leopold Bloom completes his