Essay on Lesson 5 Reflection Worksheet

Submitted By DazeHolo
Words: 1047
Pages: 5



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This worksheet is due by Saturday evening of the week in which it is assigned.
Grading will be based on completion and quality of responses.

Brief Essay Questions

Answer the following questions about our disciplinary topic and case for this week. With the exception of yes/no, naming, and self-evaluative questions, your answers should reflect the time and thought you have put into studying this topic and should consist of a short paragraph, not just one-to-two-sentence answers.
Type your answers in the box below each question.

Modern History II (1971-88)

1. What would you consider the three most important facts about Pakistan’s history from 1971 to 1988? List them in order of importance and briefly explain why they are important.

1) Always instability. With the people constantly bickering and the insecurity of families, there is little ground for the nation to build upon.
2) Martial law. It broke down barriers, but also set many people back. The control was not safety, it was an offensive move that scared many.
3) Religion. This is always a big factor for history, modern or ancient. The people fighting over religion leads to fighting over anything.

2. How could the break-up of West and East Pakistan have been avoided? How do you keep two such different and separated areas together in a single nation?

I don’t think a break up could be avoided. It all comes down to the two sides duking it out, much like the North and South of USA. You let differences get settled over fighting, and that stinks, but sometimes it needs to happen. When two sides figure out there is no agreeing, it is all done.

3. What is the most critical principle from this period in Pakistani history, especially as it relates to relationships that go bad (East vs. West Pakistan)? Why?

I think this question is asking what I learned.. What is the moral.. I think the moral is that when relationships go bad, you can’t just take complete control of it. Things need to be duked out or talked out, not shoved into a corner and told to think about their actions.

4. What is the most interesting thing you learned from “digging deeper” and exploring history and politics of Pakistan from 1971 to 1988 beyond reading the required backgrounder?

When I saw the martial law concept, I decided to look back on history of martial law in USA. When I saw that we had used the same thing, but properly, during Pearl Harbor, I was amazed. America is so about there not being a complete ruling from one body, yet we turned to martial law.

5. Whose post on this week’s Class Discussion board about the history of Pakistan from 1971 to 1988 made the greatest impression on you? Type his or her name below:

Pam Higham

5a. Please copy and paste into the box below, a phrase or sentence from this student’s post that reflects and/or identifies his or her main point or argument.

I see martial law as trading our civil liberties and democratic institutions for temporary safety and security. Incredible trust is placed in our military leaders to surrender their control as quickly as possible and in their commitment to our constitution.

5b. What impression did this post make on you and why?

I thought this was a perfect way to describe martial law, and would be easily understood by anybody. It helped me understand, and that is why it made the most impact on me.


6. What is