Letter From Birmingham Jail By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Pages: 4

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a very influential and important civil activist who helped bridge the gap between the black and white races. His unique approach of using nonviolent protests helped create an awareness of the inequalities the African Americans had to endure during this time period. In 1963, King went to Birmingham, Alabama to spread his movement yet before he could perform he was arrested. While King was in the prison he wrote Letter from Birmingham Jail. In this letter he wrote a very important line, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. This quote basically means that no one can just sit around and just watch injustice spread from one place to another. This can be applied to events such as ISIS, discrimination against women, as well as a personal encounter. …show more content…
Martin Luther King Jr.’s, Letter from Birmingham Jail, he conveyed a very point by saying that “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. One of the meanings of this quote is that injustice will destroy mankind if people who are interested in justice don’t stop it. This quote applies directly to ISIS, a terrorist group which has invoked fear in many people’s hearts by doing malicious things. This group first dug its roots in the Middle East but it has now spread across the world, and it is bringing in more and more people to join their movement every day. This was all because we failed to stop this injustice once it first showed its face. If the just people would have convened together and found a way to stop this injustice that is terrorizing the entire world, then the world would be much more peaceful and