Letter To Her Son In Adam's Letter '

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Pages: 3

In her letter, Adam’s compares, presents examples, and models to help her son on his trip to France. Adam’s illustrates to her son that he should take advantage of the adventures he is given and take the wisdom from the adventures provide. She uses a metaphor, “a judicious traveler to a river,” to explain her advice to her son. “The further is flows from its source,” Adam’s wants to see her son grow in knowledge just as a river becomes wider. Adam’s compares her son to historical figures and his father to show him what he could be. She explains, “to have a parent who has taken so large and active a share in this contest,” Adam’s is showing to her son that his farther has wisdom to share, so use him as much as you need for guidance. Adam’s letter is advising her son to live life and enjoy. …show more content…
Adam’s suggest to her son that he will be successful by making connections between her son and others, so he can learn from them. Adam’s questions, “would Cicero have share so distinguished an orater if he had not been roused, kindled and enflamed by tranny of Catalina, Verres and Mark Antony?” She (Adam’s) is trying to make a point to her son. By asking this question she is explaining to her son that the challenges Cicero faced made him the great man people know today. If Cicero wouldn’t have faced those challenges, then would he have been able to have the success he did. Adam’s wants her son to analyze the challenges he faces and learn from them, so he can become a great man. Adam’s explains, “to have a parents who has taken so large and active a share is this contest, and discharge the trust response in him with so much satisfaction as to be honored with the important embassy which at present calls him abroad,” she is comparing her son to his father to show her son not to be imitimiated by his father’s success, that is gets in front of his