Lies In Huckleberry Finn

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Pages: 4

How are Lies and Huck’s Conscience Affected by His Society

Mark Twain's book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn takes place before the civil war during a time where racism and slavery was occurring. The story is told by Huck himself and shows many events and people that he has met throughout the book. The topics I have chosen to use are the ways people are lying and how Huck fights with his conscience about what is right or wrong. The way that Twain shows lies in the book are how lies are used to help others out, while the other kind of lies are the ones that only benefit certain people. This is shown by Huck and other characters that are introduced later on in the book. Then the way that Huck fights with his conscience about the kind of actions he should take about what's right and wrong. The society that Huck is raised in needs to change on how different things are seen and told around him.

Many people are able to uses lies to their advantage and either help them or hurt them. In the book Twain shows different ways on how he uses lies with each of the characters. Twain begins to show use how lies are used with Huck starting us out when he helps Jim. Twain begins with writing, “Everybody goes away when I want them to help me tow the raft ashore” (96). Huck meets up with two other men that ask him about the raft and who
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He has had to decide throughout the book if what he is doing right or wrong, especially when it comes to Jim. Twain writes, “ I couldn’t get that out of my conscience, no how nor no way” (Ch 16). Huck was feeling bad since Jim was almost free and he was the one that could be blamed for it. Even though he is feeling this way he has a change of mind because Jim says, “ you’s de bes’fren’Jim’s ever had” (Ch 16). When Jim said this it made Huck think about his decision about telling on Jim and if it was the right or wrong thing to