Essay on life and death

Submitted By asad2151
Words: 1313
Pages: 6

Life and Death

We humans get so busy in our lives that we do not appreciated little things around us. Unfortunately, we do not realize the beauty of life and nature until death knocks at our door. Some people say we should live every moment so, when death comes we have no regret and we welcome it happily. However, few people waste their lives complaining about small issues and do not appreciate the beauty of life and their relationships. Human beings are part of nature. Just like nature has few seasons from spring to Autumn; we humans also have different stages of life. Nature and death has a unique relation. If we see that a flower grows in spring but dies in Autumn then we can really understand that we were born and one day we will face death. Human ignore the beauty of nature that shows us the perfect example of our own lives’s stages. “Because I could stop for death " by Emily Dickinson and " The World is Too Much With Us" by William Wordsworth explains about death and life. In this essay am going to compare and contrast both text in terms of understanding how humans behave toward life and death. " Because I could stop for death " by Emily Dickinson gives a reader clear understanding about women’s role in society and her reaction toward death. Dickinson use strong words in the start of this poem to give a reader a clear understanding that she is going to discuss about death and different stages of women’s lives. Her poem is not difficult to understand the basic idea. It gives the reader’s a sense that she is going to ask either a question or giving some sort of explanation about life and death. Dickinson’s poem is very easy to understand because she did not confuse the reader by writing difficult lines in the poem. Stating that she could not stop for death means that the speaker didn't have a choice about when she was to die. Human already know about their existence and death but Dickinson tries to make us think again about death and says that it is really not in our hands to stop it. We have no choice rather then welcoming it. Dickinson used the capital letter for word “Death” because she means to personify Death as a gentleman suitor who drives a horse-drawn carriage. Dickinson in the start welcome death nicely and thinks that death is going to treat her in a good manner. But later realize that it reminds her whole life and leave her helpless to die.
Dickinson’s describes the different stages of the carriage ride which represent the different stages of a woman's life. Women passes different phases in their lives, they go to school, get married, give birth and one day they die. In the poem it says they also pass the "fields of gazing grain", which could mean the fruits of life. The setting sun might mean something mysterious or the passing into the unknown or chasing some sort of a goal in her life. In addition, the speaker finally realize the pain that now she is going to face as she will soon go to her coffin to be buried. It's a "house", with decoration like a coffin. The correlation between death and domesticity suggests that for the speaker, the latter represents a living death.The speaker describes Death as a suitor who drives her around every walk of life. A lot of words that have been used in the poem describes that when death comes we are helpless and cannot do anything about it. We the human are just part of nature and will be vanished one day. Just as nature chances its seasons, our lives are exactly the same. We were born, we live and phase different stages and then we die.
From this poem we understand that Death who holds power over the speaker. She "could not stop for Death", which signifies her helplessness and lack of choice. The speaker mentions putting away her "labor" and her "leisure" for him. Therefore she neither has pain or pleasure in life. The further lines that have been written in the poem describes speaker's attitude toward the life of