Like Water For Chocolate Feminism Essay

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Pages: 4

Like Water for Chocolate: Femininity and Death
Designed to be interactive in a way that reflects one of the biggest themes in Like Water for Chocolate, my creative aims to represent different parts of Tita’s character, as well as provide a literary criticism from a feminist perspective.
The creative was built by taking a box that I made several years ago and decorating it with flowery patterns. I then burnt several pieces of newspaper in it to create the ash and also burn the inside somewhat, before filling it with clay skulls made from modelling clay. The top was then covered with baking paper (dipped in methylated spirits then allowed to dry) glued on with PVA glue and a match stuck in the middle to be lit for the uncovering of the top of the box.
Like Water for Chocolate is a story about power expressed through and
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Tita uses her cooking as a way of expressing this, as well as using her sexuality and objects such as flowers to convey her femininity. This is represented in the box in the illustrations on the outside. The tulip starts as a small flower and as the lines around the side are followed, the flower is shown to grow into a large blossom, which also serves to represent Tita’s journey as a character, growing from following her mother’s orders and allowing herself to be pushed around by others around her, resulting in a painful existence (“Even they became a source of fun, insomuch that during his childhood Tita did not differentiate well the tears of laughter from crying. For her laugh was a way to mourn.” (Like Water for Chocolate)) to showing strength to resist her mother and ultimately make her own choice in whom she will marry. “That’s what I think of your orders! I’m tired of always obeying you!” (Like Water for Chocolate (1992 Film)), “Leave me alone. I can’t stand you. What’s more, I hate you. I’ve always hated you.” (Like Water for Chocolate (1992 Film)).
The other major theme from Like Water for Chocolate featured and represented in the