Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe Research Paper

Words: 206
Pages: 1

For the audiobook ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ was used. The pop conditioned dogs were exposed to a pop album ‘Now 88’. In the classical group, they were given ‘The best of Beethoven’ to listen to, and in the psychoacoustically designed dog music group they listened to “Through a dog’s ear”. Each group had their auditory levels set at 60 dB, but were still able to hear sounds such as staff talking and other dogs barking. A CD player was used and place in the center of each block in an empty kennel. The dogs were anywhere from 4m to 12 m away from the CD player. From 10:00 h to 12:00 h each auditory segment was played with two days between each treatment. This was done to avoid over stimulation. Every five minutes each of the dog’s