List Of Women's Rights Violations

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Pages: 4

There are all types of women rights violations concerning prejudice, discrimination, war, violence, distorted interpretations of religious texts, physical and mental abuse, poverty, and disease, fall disproportionately on women and girls. This similar system of discrimination, extending far beyond a small geographical region to the entire globe; it touches every nation, perpetrating and expanding the trafficking in human slaves, body mutilation and even legitimized murder on a massive scale. Just think this system is based on the presumption that men and boys are superior to women and girls. Human rights are moral principles that belong to every person regardless of nationality, sex, race, religion, language or other status. All people are …show more content…
In America white Women right to vote officially became law on August 26, 1920. This was a seventy-two year struggle for women. Even at this time all women didn’t have the freedom to vote, serve as jurors, hold political offices or even attend college. A married women legal identity and rights where subsumed by her husband. In other words a wife at this time had no legal control over her own personal property, and wages she earned. She couldn’t make any moves without her husband’s consent. Single women had to turn over earnings and legal matter to male relatives. Social rules were so strict for them. For black women the struggle was even longer and just as hard, it was a war within itself. The suffering they had to endure for the same rights was …show more content…
In this war more women began to work along with men on the assemble lines for the first time. Due to the progress of the human rights movement and men fighting on the front, an increasing number of women were being called upon to enter the workforce. These changes were used amongst all countries during the war. In the Soviet Union, women were even called to serve in combat roles right beside of men. Women were mostly enlisted in Women's Army Corps (WAC) and the nursing corps. The Women's Air force Service Pilots (WASP) was created to free male fliers for service overseas. When men were overseas, female factory workers became