Literary Techniques In Rick Moody's 'Boys' By Rick Hardy

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Pages: 4

In Rick Moody’s “boys”, the writer begins the story in a fast-paced approach. He does not take time to build a set up but rather he begins the story with a flurry of activity. The flow of the story makes it look like a song coupled with a lot of repetition. The write uses a lot of poetry in his language but does not lose grip with the structure. He rather makes it flow more easily in the language of a song. The tense used on the story also makes it look like the reader is present during the action. “Boys enter the house” (Rick,) the flow of the story is in present time. The boys’ approach in dealing with challenges also comes out clearly, when they have to deal with their sister’s leukemia and being left on this world on their own. The events in the lives of boys take place too fast for their short lived novel life. Very quick short sentences culminate the story making it very hard for the reader to dislodge himself from the book and risk being left out.
In “the Girl” the speaker quickly analyses the list of things that a good woman should have to be complete. Cooking and cleaning come at the top of the list. The story is similar in many ways to “boys” because of the fast pace in which both stories flow. The writer in “girls” uses a motherly language, which is more understandable to women though the target
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In Kincaid’s “girl” the advice is given by the motherly narrator on how a girl should grow up to become a reliable woman for her husband. Without overlooking the fact that there has been a gender revolution in the recent past, the writer seems to employ the old fashioned way of doing things. In Rick’s “boys”, the narrator is not left out in the gender battle because the expression of emotional response by the boys is in direct contrast to the women’s. In all the cases, there is an allusion to poetic