Literature Review Essay

Submitted By MjRamirez18
Words: 1380
Pages: 6

Mattie Mills
LBSU 302
Week 7, Assignment 1
March 1, 2015
Can music therapy be effectively used by medical institutions to treat dementia?

Dennis, P., & Rickson, D. (2014). The Leader of the Band: A Case Story of Community Music Therapy on a Hospital Ward for People Who Have Dementia. Vocies, 14(1). Available from

This article shows how music therapy can not only be used during times of care giving but in social settings to improve overall communication of dementia patients. This case story showed how music can be used in a different way than traditional music therapy and still be effective in helping people with dementia live less stressful lives by increasing communication and creating a better environment for them. Jack may have been the main patient of this study but there was a positive effect on everyone who participated in the band with him or came to listen to the music. This just provides even further proof that music therapy works and should be used to treat dementia patients. Even those who live at home with dementia and their family members can benefit from the use of music therapy to increase communication, make caregiving easier, and improve the quality of life for everyone affected.

James, A. I. (2010). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Older People: Interventions for Those with and without Dementia. London: Jessica Kingsley. Available from: http://eds-b-ebscohost- d=a6b88822-2bed-415e-b52e- a225e9343f0c@sessionmgr115&vid=11&format=EB&rid=6

This book is about the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and how it can be used to improve the lives of individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, and other issues associated with dementia and other neurological disorders. It begins with an overview of what these problems are and how they affect people and show why there is a need for CBT. Then it goes into explaining what CBT is and how to go about the implantation of it.It shows that CBT can greatly improve the lives of those with Dementia as well as other disorders and should be implemented in more medical facilities. This book helped me gain more understanding of how
CBT can help dementia patients and the process of implementing such programs. However, as far my understanding of dementia I did not really gain any new knowledge. The greatest thing I gained from this article was a new approach to my research. In fact, I have changed my research question after realizing that it is already known that therapy is an effective treatment for dementia yet it is hardly used. Hammar, L. M. (2012). Can Humming Caregivers Facilitate Feeding During Mealtime Situations with Persons with Dementia? A Qualitative Study. N.p.: Nova Science Publishers.
This article is about Music Therapeutic Caregiving (MTC) and how it was being implemented at a nursing home to increase eating during mealtime. There has been multiple studies of caregivers sing for or with patients that has been proven to facilitate care giving situations that are normally stressful. People who suffer with severe dementia and need caregiving tend to be very aggressive in caregiving situations and often resist care. During mealtime this issue is especially difficult since many patients need to be feed or need assistance during feeding and were not receiving proper nutrition. In this study instead of singing the caregivers hummed during mealtime so that the patients would eat rather than sing along which is a common response during MTC. Overall the results showed that humming during caregiving had a positive effect and facilitated