Little Bee Anthropological Themes

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Pages: 3

The chapters chosen out of Little Bee by Chris Cleave for us to read show a couple of anthropological theories. Out of the few chapters that I read from this fiction book, I easily saw a couple different themes throughout the text. The text does a good job showing not all cultures are the same around the world. They are all different, with different ways of living their life, and how they treat other people. Without giving a summary of the chapters I read, I am going to go over some anthropological themes I saw, and explain them. One of the concepts I got out of reading the excerpt is how language is different in each culture. Little Bee, the Nigerian girl telling the story, said, “No, it is not the Queen’s crown and scepter that rule in your land. It is her grammer and her voice. That is why it is desirable to speak the way she does.” This can show that the Queen feels like there is only one specific way to speak, and if you don’t speak that way then you can expect to be treated differently. That is why Little Bee learned the Queen’s language. Even though …show more content…
She lived in fear because of how she was. She lived in fear because of her skin color, her race, and her culture. She didn’t have any papers, she lived in fear that she would be shipped back to the immigration center she was just recently let out of. I felt like the excerpt from “Little Bee” could be chosen from this project to examine the different themes in fiction books because there are so many that can be talked about. That being said, there are so many more themes that can be discussed from the excerpt I read, but I felt these were the most important. All in all, different cultures live in different ways. We all know cultures believe in different things, and each have a different way of life. But there is one thing the same among all of us...We are all