Log Cabin Republicans: Case Study

Words: 1072
Pages: 5

Volunteering and supporting the Log Cabin Republicans

I grew up in a home full of recklessness and uncertainty. Communication was not our strong suit and discussing the plans for a future never happened. I had no idea what it meant to be political or even the importance of voting. We grew up below middle class and I thought that was normal. Everyone around us appeared to be in the same economic bracket and never spoke about the struggles to take care of their family. My parents finally realized that the difficulties around us were too much to minimalize and divorced. The separation of finances still never in sighted planning for the future. I continued to grow up thinking that saving was only something the rich did. Government ideals were only starting to be discussed by my Father as he thought about Social Security. He used to say that depending on Social Security is ridiculous when you think of aging.
My relationship with my Father became more and more distant as I got older. I was trying to make it through my youth with some clue of who I was. The words Republican and
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The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) is a federated gay and lesbian political organization in the United States with state chapters and a national office in Washington, D.C. The group's constituency supports the Republican Party and advocates for LGBT rights. The name of the organization is a reference to the first Republican President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin. I researched deeply the group, the stance on issues and our place in defending ideals in Washington, D.C. There is a staff of lobbyists that hold annual conventions, raise funds that are donated to Republican officeholders and candidates whom it considers sympathetic to gay and lesbian rights issues. The Log Cain Republican website, http://www.logcabin.org/ describes the growth of the