Essay on Lol No

Submitted By baileyshayn
Words: 337
Pages: 2

In the next stage, elongation, an enzyme called DNA polymerase is important. The DNA polymerase attaches to each strand at the replication origins, reading the nucleotides and finding the complement base. Because the leading strand runs in the same direction that it was unzipped, the DNA polymerase moves with ease down the length of the strand. Because human DNA is so very long (with up to 80 million base pairs in a chromosome) it unzips at multiple places along its length so that the replication process is going on simultaneously at hundreds of places along the length of the chain. Eventually these areas run together to form a complete chain. The lagging strand, however, runs in the opposite direction that it was unzipped, making it harder for the DNA polymerase to move down the strand, so it keeps returning to the strand until the job is done. Proof reader enzymes then run down the strand detecting and fixing errors.

To complete the replication, the new strands are paired with their corresponding original strands. This is called semi-conservative because there is one new and one old strand combined. The strands are rewound into a double helix with the help of enzymes. The cell then prepare for mitosis where a copy of the DNA will be sent to each nucleus, then cells will go through cytokinesis, where a nucleus will be distributed to each cell. This process has provided the daughter cell with an exact copy of DNA from its parent.

DNA polymerase makes very few errors,