Lord Of The Flies Analysis

Submitted By Ghislane-Marin
Words: 479
Pages: 2

Ghislane Marin 2B
From the moment the boys landed on the island, a “scar” was left from the crash. The signs of destruction were being seen. The boys would destroy the island if it was in their way of getting something done, and with the boys destroying the island; they were leaving marks of their fight to get through. The water that the boys bathe in is “warmer than blood”. As the boys look up at the sky, they see the lightning is a “blue-white scar” and the thunder “the blow of a gigantic wipe”.
The time that the boys spent on the island was hard. Not only did they get hurt by the pain they felt from being away from family, but also they were hurt because of their actions towards one another. The boys destroyed each other if someone was in their way of having control. An example of this is when the Hunters went to get food, but when they came back, the mountain where they kept the fire was gone. The leader of the Hunters destroyed their only chance of rescue.
Because of all the destroying that has been done, it comes to a point where it just leaves a wound on the boys and the island. That is what the drawing represents. The hand represents destruction by hand and the chest represents destruction by words. The wounds on the hand express how the wound that the boys leave on the island is long, but not deep. The wounds on the chest express how words can hut and cause deep pain, causing a deep wound, but not deep enough to kill.
The reason that the drawing was done in black and white because the boys lost all emotion they had and nothing affected them, only when it was their pain. The color black