Lord Of The Flies Comparison

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Pages: 5

Milton wrote Paradise Lost to justify the ways of God to men. The stories presented by Milton and Golding offer the reader an interesting perspective on life. While some differences in Lord of the Flies and Paradise Lost are evident, the similarities may be too obscure for the reader. The boys along with Adam and Eve lose their innocence in different ways, but they relate to each other. The stories are different due to how innocence was lost because of circumstances beyond control. Finally, the reader can learn a lesson about struggles and success through both stories and reflection.

The Fall of Man in John Milton’s Paradise Lost takes place through William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. The boys arrive on the island after a plane crash which
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In Paradise Lost, Adam and Even fell to temptation while the boys in Lord of the Flies fell because of survival, so the reasons behind falling are different. Adam and Eve committed a sin due to temptation by Satan who was seeking revenge on God. In Paradise Lost, Milton states why Satan tempted Eve when he says, “It was the infernal serpent. His cunning (guile) was stirred up with envy and revenge, so he lied to the mother of mankind. Because of his pride” (Milton, 253). The Devil tempted Eve to get revenge on God for banning him from Heaven. Lucifer had too much pride that he could not accept his new fate. On the other hand, the boys murdered the pig because they needed food. This was a necessity for survival, even though it was murder. A major turning point in terms of survival is the death of Simon. In Lord of the Flies, Golding describes how the boys reacted after they murdered Simon when he says, “It was an accident, that’s what it was. An accident. Coming in the dark - he hadn’t no business crawling like that out of the dark. He was batty. He asked for it” (Golding, 157). Piggy was referring to the murder of Simon as an accident. But the boys, thinking as survivors who feared the Beast reacted in a way to continue living, which resulted in the death of Simon. The difference between temptation and survival is a matter of life and death. The boys had no choice whereas Adam and Even