Lord Of The Flies Persuasive Letter

Words: 652
Pages: 3

Dear Charlotte,

I, Tiana, am choosing to forgive Naveen for being careless and irresponsible. The intentions behind his actions were not negative, but his plans to break his curse were not very well thought out, leading to both of us turning into frogs. This is because I have learned that the value of forgiveness is far greater than that of choosing not to forgive. Forgiving has many benefits, such as better relationships, less stress, and lower blood pressure. Whereas, not forgiving leads to higher blood pressure, muscle tension, and feeling less in control. When Prince Naveen urged me to kiss him and transform me into a frog, he displayed reckless behavior. After that, he sought out forgiveness and respect. I believe that forgiveness has
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After the unresolved conflict between Ralph and Jack, feelings of violence and chaos arose. “Ralph's temper blazed out. I say ‘I say’. You voted for me as chief. Didn't you hear the conch? You played a dirty trick-- we'd give you fire if you'd asked for it--’” (Golding 176). After the boys angrily split up and went their separate ways, their need for revenge on each other grew rapidly, ultimately leading to the demise of their civilization and destruction of the island surrounding them. When you compare the events of my forgiveness for Prince Naveen and my absence of forgiveness for Dr. Facilier, it is evident that forgiveness is the more advantageous route to take. My relationship with Naveen is still strong, whereas my relationship with Dr. Facilier is inferior. In conclusion, I choose to forgive Naveen due to his good intentions, and him not meaning to harm anyone while attempting to break the curse. I have chosen forgiveness because the benefits of forgiveness are much more valuable than those of not forgiving. These benefits include feelings of peace, stronger relationships, and an overall better wellbeing. As compared to not forgiving, where temporary feelings of enjoyment, but can eventually lead to weakened relationships, health disadvantages, and