Lord Of The Flies Power Analysis

Words: 738
Pages: 3

Which is stronger, the love of power or the power of love? By definition; power is the capability to direct, influence or control the behaviours, environments and the events of others. William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies explores the conflicts between two main power systems; in which the civilized democracy could not overpower the savage-like dictatorship. This can be proven through the characterization of Jack, the symbolism of the beast, and the celebration of murdering a pig through the imitation of rape.

The importance of Jack is evident throughout the novel because he is a dictator who acts out of short rewards without a thought of long term consequences; this enables him to gain the most amount of praise within a brief amount of time from the boys on the island. Through his character, Jack becomes the clear leader of the victorious opposition against democracy and rationality. “But we want meat!”
“And I work all day with nothing but Simon and you come back and don’t even notice the huts!” “I was working too—” “But you
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William Golding uses the beast to explain the cause of Jack’s rise to power. The symbolism of the beast manifests into a physical being in the book to confirm it’s existence is located in the minds of the boys. “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are?” The beast says himself that he is the reason why “it’s a no go”, or why the kids have turned themselves into savagery. The Beast is what powers Jack due to the fact that the gravitation towards Jack’s system of savagery is innate within all humans. The “beast” inside the boys reject democracy, and support the barbaric dictatorship of