Lord Of The Flies Ralph Leadership

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Pages: 2

A virtuous leader is somebody that is intelligent, responsible, strongly opinionated, and after the good of their followers. A lot of times, you will find leaders who are selfish instead of selfless and that’s a major problem in today’s society. From Lord of the Flies, Ralph would be a magnificent leader because he’s a practical thinker and is always looking out for the good of the group.
Based on personal experience and preference, Ralph would be the person I follow in the novel. I would follow him as opposed to the others since he makes the most admirable decisions for the group. In the novel, Ralph is the one that keeps pushing for the signal fire to be lit. Why? Because it will get his whole group rescued. Ralph also wants to make sure that they build shelter, so that the group is secure and guarded from storms. This shows true selflessness and portrays just how much Ralph cares about the group. In the book, Golding points out that the person who wants to be in charge the most, will never be a good ruler. On the
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Bernie is after justice for the people. This element is shown through his speeches about poverty. He makes his decisions based off what is best for the rest of society and not what would benefit himself. Most others just want presidency for the title, not for the change, and I feel like Bernie wants actual change. In conclusion, a good leader is not somebody who wants entitlement. A good leader is somebody who is selfless, intelligent, strongly opinionated, and all in all, just wants what is best for their followers. Ralph portrays these elements throughout Lord of the Flies and because of this he is the best leader from the novel. When compared to real life situations, Bernie Sanders is an example of a great leader considering he actually cares about changing the lives of his followers for the better as opposed to his own selfish